Autorisierter Subprozessoren

Fleet Complete Affiliates


Affiliate entity Scope of Processing Processing location Cross-border transfer mechanisms (if applicable)
Fleet Complete Eesti OÜ Processing activities related to the provision of services to Fleet Company Estonia N/A
Complete Innovations AE Customer support Greece N/A
Complete Innovations, Inc Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Ontario, Canada EU adequacy decision
Fleet Complete Danmark ApS Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Denmark N/A
Fleet Complete Netherlands BV Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Netherlands N/A
Fleet Complete Norge AS Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Norway N/A
Fleet Complete Sverige AB Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Sweden N/A
Fleet Complete Latvija SIA Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Latvia N/A
Fleet Complete Lietuva UAB Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Lithuania N/A
Fleet Complete Belgium BVBA Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Belgium N/A
Fleet Complete Germany GmbH Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Germany N/A
MEX Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Mexico EU model clauses
AUS Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company Australia EU model clauses
Complete Innovations USA Inc. Processing activities related to the provision of Services to Fleet Company United States EU model clauses


Third Party Entities


Third party entity Scope of Processing Processing location Cross-border transfer mechanisms (if applicable)
Entigo OÜ Network operation center Estonia N/A
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL Hosting services Germany, Ireland EU model clauses
Zendesk, Inc. Customer support and case management EU/EAA EU model clauses
Atlassian Corporation Plc Customer support and case management Australia, United States EU model clauses
Microsoft Corporation Hosting services Ireland, Netherlands, Canada EU model clauses, EU adequacy decision
Google Maps Location services United States EU model clauses Canada Customer support and case management services Canada EU adequacy decision